Friday, May 13, 2011

About the Pie

My Violin
There I was at my friend Andrew's house party sipping on a beer. All of us were wearing name tags so that we can better identify each other. Torrey wrote my name tag that night and it read:

Vincy-pie  ]

As a bunch of us were standing and chatting in the kitchen area, a gentleman walks up to me, leans down to stare at my name tag, looks me in the face, stares at my name tag again, looks up and asks, "Is your last name Pie?" Ever since, Torrey started calling me Pie and Pie just stuck.

About the Pie~

Torrey and I take turns in writing in another blog. He originally created it to empower people in interracial relationships. It gives insight to what we deal with as a couple. Some of the stories are funny, others are sad, many of them are insightful, and all of it is true.

Here's another picture of Torrey. He's actually a ninja in his spare time.

I like the following:

This is a picture of Roast Duck rice noodle soup with some Hong Kong Milk Tea. I love to eat.

And this is a picture of my Mazdaspeed3. I like driving through the twisties. Alas, if only gas wasn't so expensive I would do that much more often. And yes, my car is faster than your car. 

I also like to ride motorcycles. Recently, I customized my helmet with some art. Like it?

When I was at Berkeley, I studied molecular cell biology. I was in physiology class when my lab buddy took this picture. Doesn't the frog look happy?!

My friend Daniel Karlin and I did the Fun in Science program where we taught kids science. Imagine their faces when I showed them this picture. Kidding, I didn't show it to them.

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