Friday, May 13, 2011

Mister Dinner

This is Mister Mamezoh, purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Mame for short, like the edamame appetizers at a Japanese restaurant. Mame means bean in Japanese.

People who've never seen a corgi before usually ask the following questions. My boyfriend Torrey and I almost always respond like so:

Q: What kind of dog is that?
A: A corgi
Q: Do they always look like that?
A: Actually his tail kept knocking stuff off the table so we had to dock it, and we noticed that he kept banging his head against the coffee table so we had his legs shortened too. He's much happier now.

Mame is ridiculously smart. He sits, lays down, shakes hand, rolls over, retrieves toys, plays dead, and knows exactly when to ignore your commands. He will also do this...

...until you say give him the ok to eat his treat.

Mame stays with my parents when Torrey and I are traveling. When I dropped him off one time, my father started rubbing Mame's belly. I heard my father muttering to the dog, "Oh yes! That feels good right? You better behave while she's gone or else we'll have you for dog stew." Dad says this as he traces his finger down Mame's belly, "We'll cut you open right here and here." Of course, during this whole time the dog's got his tongue lolling out in a ridiculous smile and his hind leg is scratching the air. I can just imagine him speaking his doggie speak, "AW YA!! THAT FEELS SO GOOD! More please!"

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