Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nuggets of Gold

I was just chatting online with a friend and had an amazing conversation. I'll post the conversation directly here and do a more detailed blog about it at a later time.

life is a lot like sailing, i like to say

sailing... yes well... the wind, waves, nausea, floating along... and then at some point.. you get your sea legs!

er, i meant like, there are things u can't really control

LOL oops...

like weather, wind, how many boats are in the water with you, garbage or fish in the sea but u can control how u react to them. how u adjust the sails, or steer, or which direction u want to go in sorta i think it's a good compromise between the fate-believers and those who think they can control everything like myself, i took a risk by leaving a stable job to try something i thought would be better. i could control that i couldn't control my new bosses being a complete disaster and them firing me. but now i can choose what sort of career step i want to take next but i apply that sort of logic to everything. altho i think for relationships i tend to think ppl need to do more steering lol

i'd be interested to hear your point of view.

hmm well generally i think ppl get stuck in potholes (yes i coined that term and actually have a facebook page for it as a joke), where they stay in rocky relationships for the wrong reasons, or at least not very compelling ones

what WOULD be a good reason to stay in a relationship?

they just sort of feel like they're stuck, or there's no point in getting out, and they wallow there for a long long time it depends on the person, i guess. ppl always default back to "i love him/her" but that's not really teh whole of it, is it

yea, been there done that

i always say that i'm perfectly happy by myself. i'm an only child, i love my "me" time, i don't like clingy stuff so anyone i'm with has to make me happier than i would be if i were by myself otherwise why bother

hahaha awesome!

it's not about the ring, or kids, or making other ppl feel like you're going down the right path. it's about what that person brings into ur life and if they're just making u miserable, or it's clearly not working, then why bother find another boat, i guess

pure brilliance i tell you.

nah, just culled from experience. and watching other ppl's experience obviously i can't come up with something like "pothole" if i wasn't in one ;);)

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