Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pavlova - Piece of Shit

Pavlova in oven
Pavlova cooling down in oven
Dave taught me to make Pavlova last week. I though I'd give it a go. I followed the recipe completely. (In case you're curious, I've include the recipe at the very bottom of this post.)

No one told me that decorating the Pavlova was going to be the most difficult procedure.

I bought blackberries and put the Pavlova together. I stood there for 20 minutes trying different arrangements, but no matter how ornately I arranged the blackberries, it still looked like little pieces of shit. Rolls eyes. Very frustrating.
Blackberries on Pavlova = Shit

Dave! Why didn't you TELL ME that no matter how neatly you arrange blackberries on a Pavlova, they will look like shit!?

I called Antony in SOS and asked if he had mint leaves and raspberries so that I could add some color. I fixed it obviously (see photo below)... but wow.

Who knew presentation was so important!?

Pavlova Recipe:

12 oz sugar (I used 9 oz today and it turned out fine)
6 egg whites (make sure NO yolks get in - if they do start over)
2 teaspoons corn starch
2 teaspoons white or malt vinegar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Preheat the over to 300 degrees. 
Put non-stick baking parchament down on a cookie sheet.
Put the egg whites in a large mixing bowl and beat them on high with an electric mixer for about 10 mins until they get stiff.
Mix the corn starch in with the sugar and spoon the sugar into the egg whites as you continue to beat the lard out of them. After the sugar is in keep beating until the mixture stands in peaks. Add in the vinegar and vanilla and beat for another minute.
Spoon onto cookie sheet and mold into bowl shape.
Put in oven for 35 mins then turn the oven off but leave it in there for another hour then take it out.
Add cream and toppings of choice. 

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